Saturday, May 9, 2009

Growing Up

My grandson is quite the little man these days.  We were having a talk the other day about his sister, and he said, "She makes me mad, but I love her."  I said, son you are wise beyond your years.  This is just the beginning.  Just three years old and already confused.  If you ever figure it out would you let your old Pappy know.  Now, what kind of girl would cause such angst?

Well, I'm probably not telling you anything you don't know already.  How could anyone not love a face like this.  Can you see it in the eyes?  I see her mother at that age.  I remember how many times Bebe had to break up our stare downs when she was a teenager.  I see it coming here.  She is a strong willed baby to say the least.
Pappy must be ever vigilant when he is in charge of minding her for a while.  She has no fear. Napping while babysitting is not an option.  If you think my hair is turning whiter, you are right. How could a little person with legs this short cause me to become winded in just a few minutes? It's Saturday.  I have two days to regain my energy.  

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.
Frank Tibolt