Tuesday, December 23, 2008


It is hard to segue from the daily dose of negative we are bombarded with, to the true spirit of Christmas, the birth story of Jesus Christ, God's only son, who chose to take the form of a man and become a servant so we could once again have a right relationship with God. In children we see ourselves in microcosm, selfish and ego driven in demanding our basic needs are met immediately. But we rejoice in their innocence and blunt honesty when they realize the joy of sharing. I hope you experience a healthy dose of the real joy as you emulate some pure unselfish giving during this season. Try to turn off your sources of despair and sadness, and focus on the good things of life. In Philippians 4:8, the apostle Paul says, "...fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others." I wrote a poem to help shift focus from the things we normally hold so dear. I hope it moves you to make the shift over the next couple of days.


Accumulating wealth won’t satisfy.
They are not ours these things we seek to gain.
But all are gifts delivered from on high.
And apt to leave us quickly as they came.

So we should love more,
pray more, share more
with our neighbors
as we’re blessed.

Thanking God for all that he has given.
Food and shelter as he sees we need it.
Teaching us the meaning of contentment.
Accumulating wealth won’t satisfy.

Dennis Price