Monday, May 12, 2008

Dad's Time

In my efforts to be fair, I decided to post something about my dad. He is in this old family photo. It is the only digital image I have of him. He is a fifteen year old, and he is standing on the back row. See if you can pick him out. Some of you have a real talent for picking out family resemblances. He was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was forty four and died two years later at the age of forty six. He was an excellent father and fine role model. I wrote this poem about him just a few years ago. I could never read it in public and get to the end, so it is relegated to print for your reading enjoyment.


Almost 40 years ago, he died.
I still miss him everyday.
Quiet country boy – Brought up hard.
Learned early how to make his way.

Strong from work and tan from sun.
Dark hair and winning smile.
I never saw him waiver, change,
in good times or in trial.

He loved hard work, family.
Served his country. Spoke the truth.
Taught with bible and example.
Twigs need bending in their youth.

Outdoors was his favorite place.
Hunting, fishing, sun, fresh air.
He taught me manly lessons
when there were no women there.

Grave illness struck, he fought hard,
working right up to the end.
He crossed the bar so peacefully
to meet his Lord, and friend.

The world won’t know how great he was.
He had no wealth or fame.
Because he would not compromise
the value of his name.

I’m older now than he was
when he left this mortal frame.
But hope, that like my dad I leave
the treasure of a name.